
Mit 4GB grosser Festplatte und MP3 Player. *sabber*

Er spielt auf seinen Geräten wie ein wahrer Virtuose.
Man beachte die Hingebung....
Ein äusserst netter Mensch noch dazu.

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musste mal gesagt werden
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Es ist Zeit zurückzublicken und darum meine persönliche Top 10 EP/LP Liste 2004.
Squarepusher - Venus No. 17 [Warp]
Ada - Blondie [Areal Records]
Paul Kalkbrenner - Self [BPitch]
Das Bierbeben - No Future No Past [Shitkatapult]
Lawrence - The Absence of Blight [Dial]
Air - Walkie Talkie [Astralwerks]
Apparat - Can't Computerize it [Shitkatapult]
Junior Boys - Last Exit [Kin]
o9 - Church of the Ghetto [Schematic]
Vladislav Delay - Demo(n)Tracks [Huume]
Secret Frequency Crew - Forest of the Echo Downs [Schematic]
V.A. - But then Again [~scape]
Coco Rosie - La Maison de mon Rêve [Touch & Go]
Squarepusher - Venus No. 17 [Warp]
Ada - Blondie [Areal Records]
Paul Kalkbrenner - Self [BPitch]
Das Bierbeben - No Future No Past [Shitkatapult]
Lawrence - The Absence of Blight [Dial]
Air - Walkie Talkie [Astralwerks]
Apparat - Can't Computerize it [Shitkatapult]
Junior Boys - Last Exit [Kin]
o9 - Church of the Ghetto [Schematic]
Vladislav Delay - Demo(n)Tracks [Huume]
Secret Frequency Crew - Forest of the Echo Downs [Schematic]
V.A. - But then Again [~scape]
Coco Rosie - La Maison de mon Rêve [Touch & Go]
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schau ich zu
ins Flex

Music is the only form of art that goes straight to the brain - the part of the brain that appreciates it doesn't have to have any justification. so there should be no mental justification for liking music. it's not even an opinion - whether you like music or not - it either is good or it's not according to two different people.
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[lolicon] I think happy hardcore will be used as an excuse by alien armada's to wipe out our species
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